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The Family Buzz

By The Brook is the name of a quaint family home in the meadows of South Newbury where two trout brooks join at the front lawn. They then pass under a bridge and follow hay fields back to the end. Also home to our apiary, the perfect setting for honeybees, the By The Brook home is the center of many memories going as far back as 1964.


Youtube videos are recorded and posted to help new beekeepers start and maintain a bee hive. Follow the weekly events that occure in beekeeping as the season passes to the next. The videos go to apple orchards, a garden center, a true New England farm and even a wind farm at the top of the mountains. Some of the hives shown are handpainted and sponsored. Contact us for more information on sponsorship. Search the titles of the helpful how-to videos below and find a topic that interests you on our Youtube channel "@bythebrookapiary" or click here.


The Family Buzz is a podcast collection of family interviews and other conversations that share fond memories of By The Brook. Voices and memories of the past are shared with listeners of the present and future. Click, listen and enjoy.

Postcast recordings are coming soon.

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